MULTI - BNC, Version 0.14 ========================= Multi-BNC primarily is a FTP bouncer. There are 3 major differences to other ftp bouncers you might know, like PSI's "ftpbounce", the RISC "port bouncer" and so on: 1) With Multi-BNC, you can run multiple bouncers with one installation. Other bouncers require you to have one copy for each site you want to bounce. Multi-BNC can bounce many sites - this means you will have only one program showing up in the process list, and you need to restart only one program after a reboot (which can be easily done with a cronjob, explained below). 2) Multi-BNC can optionally run an admin port which you can use for remote maintenance. It pretends to be a FTP server so you can login to this port with any FTP client of your choice. BNC operators can add new bouncers, site operators can take the bouncer for their site up and down - all can be done without having to login to the bouncer shell. 3) Multi-BNC can also be used as IRC bouncer. In this regard it is optimized for sitebots, not for humans or mIRC script kiddies. INSTALLATION ============ Installation is simple: 1) Copy multibnc and multibnc.cfg to a directory of your choice. 2) Make sure "multibnc" is executable by issuing this command: chmod +x multibnc 3) Edit multibnc.cfg (see below) 4) Run "./multibnc" RUNNING MULTIBNC ================ Starting multibnc is as simple as going into the directory where you copied multibnc and multibnc.cfg into, and run "./multibnc". The full syntax is: multibnc [configfile] This means you can optionally pass the name of your configuration file, like ./multibnc /home/johndoe/my-multibnc.cfg This of course is only necessary if your configuration file is NOT "multibnc.cfg" in the current directory when starting multibnc. CONFIGURING MULTIBNC ==================== There's three things to configure: the ftp bouncers, the irc bouncers, and the admin port which can be used for remote maintenance. CONFIGURING FTP BOUNCERS ------------------------ They configuration keyword for ftp bouncers is "ftpbnc". The complete syntax is: ftpbnc You can have as many "ftpbnc" lines in your configuration file as you want to run ftp bouncers. If you have two sites you want to run bouncers for, ONE and TWO, and you want ONE's bouncer to listen on port 5000 (so your users connect to the IP of your bouncer box, port 5000), and TWO's on port 6000, this could look like that: ftpbnc ONE 5000 ftpbnc TWO 6000 In this example, would be ONE's real IP address, where it would be running on port 5678. Of course, all of your ftp bouncers must be run on a different port. For example, you can't run two bouncers on port 5000. CONFIGURING IRC BOUNCERS ------------------------ The IRC bouncers MULTI-BNC provides are different in other IRC bouncers you probably already know. Instead of authenticating the user with a password, it only allows connections from one IP address - usually the site's IP address, because usually you'll want to bounce your sitebot. Why is this so? Our approach has the following advantages: 1) When you provide a bouncer for a sitebot, you'll usually only want the sitebot to be bounced. However in practice, sooner or later some of the siteops with shell access on the site will start stealing the password for the bouncer and you end up with 5 people on IRC with your shell, resulting in both attraction for your shell and maybe even getting it banned for clones from public IRC servers. 2) You don't need any additions scripts for your sitebot to support bouncers, i.e. no bnc.tcl for your eggdrop or whatever. Setting up an IRC bouncer is done with the "ircbnc" keyword. Full syntax: ircbnc Example: ircbnc ONE 40000 You can have as many "ircbnc" lines as you want. In the above example, we'd be running an irc bouncer for ONE - the sitename given on this command line is for convenience, as we'll see later. It would listen on port 40000, so you would make ONE's sitebot want to connect to the IP of your bouncer shell, port 40000. The IRC bouncer offers this service only for someone connecting from, which, in our example, is site ONE's real IP. All connections from ONE's sitebot would then be redirected to on port 6667. Please note that currently only one irc server can be specified, not a list of irc servers. Again, in practice this is enough, just pick a stable IRC server which isn't down very often. CONFIGURING THE ADMIN PORT -------------------------- One of multibnc's so-far-unique features is the possibility to set up an administration port which can be used for remote maintenance. This might especially be useful in two cases: a) If you're providing a bouncer box for several people and want them to be able to add/modify/delete their bouncers without having to bother you all the time, but you don't want to give them shell access. b) When you're just as lazy as we are - and you think it's easier to issue a single SITE command than having to log into a shell, mess around with configuration files and restart all the stuff. To enable remote maintenance, you have to add an "adminport" line to your configuration file: adminport Example: adminport 54321 Also, you'll need to set up at least one user account. There are two types of accounts: bncop accounts and siteop accounts. The difference is that bncops have more power - they can add new ftp bouncers, irc bouncers and users. Siteops on the other hand are limited to modify the settings of their site's ftp bouncer. You can add as many bncops as you want to: bncop Example: bncop john l33tp455 bncop jane r00l3Z The syntax for siteops is slightly different: siteop Example: siteop ONE charly g3ck0 siteop TWO david c00ld00d You then can use any FTP client and connect to the adminport of your shell. Multibnc pretends to be a FTP server on the adminport, but somewhat restricted - it just automates the task of sending the username and password, so your users can save those settings in their FlashFXP or whatever they use. After logging in, all you need to do is to send some "raw" commands (FlashFXP default: CTRL-R), similar to the SITE commands you already know. The available commands are described some way down in this file. CONFIGURING GLFTPD TO USE BOUNCER ================================= If you've never set up a bouncer for a ftp site before, you probably should read the ftp server's documentation first. This is just a short description of how to do it with glFTPd, the #1 ftp daemon on Linux. ( First, make sure that glftpd is started with either the -b or the -B switch from /etc/inetd.conf - if you make any changes to inetd.conf, run "killall -HUP inetd" afterwards. Also, in /etc/glftpd.conf, you'll need a line like this: bouncer_ip x.x.x.x y.y.y.y where x.x.x.x is the IP address of your first bouncer, y.y.y.y the IP address of your second bouncer (if you have more than one) - so if you have multiple bouncers, put them all in one "bouncer_ip" line in glftpd.conf . That's it... easy, huh? :-) REMOTE ADMINISTRATION OF MULTI-BNC ================================== We assume you've set up the admin port on port 54321 for all further examples. There are two ways to connect to the admin port: 1) Using a FTP client. This makes it easy because you can save your username and password and don't have to type it manually all the time. However, MULTI-BNC's FTP server emulation is very primitive - for example, the PASV, PORT and LIST commands will all fail and return an error. Not all FTP clients like this and might disconnect you. We have successfully used MULTI-BNC with both FlashFXP in Windows and the standard "ftp" in Linux. 2) Using a telnet client, like "telnet" or "netcat". You will have to type the following commands after connecting to the admin port: USER yourusername PASS yourpassword Afterwards, you can send any of the commands explained below. Note that when using an FTP client, you'll have to send them as "raw" commands: - in FlashFXP, this is done with "CTRL-R" and then typing the command in the up-popping dialog box. - with most Linux textmode FTP clients, instead of "command bla bla", you will have to type "quote command bla bla", i.e. prepend the FTP client's "quote" command. There are two types of commands, normal commands and bncop-only commands. ADMINPORT COMMANDS ------------------ 1) BNC HELP or SITE HELP Displays a short summary of the available commands. Might help if you just get the number of parameters wrong for one of the other commands, otherwise this documentation will probably serve you better. 2) SITE WHO or BNC WHO Shows a list of people currently connected to or via this bouncer. Siteops see only people connected to their own site, BNCops see everyone. People logged into the adminport are shown as connected to the "partyline". 3) SITE DIE or BNC DIE This command is only available to BNCops, not to siteops. It will make MULTI-BNC exit, i.e. all FTP and IRC bouncers as well as the adminport go down. It's pretty much the same as "kill"ing the process on the shell. Be aware that there is no way to restart the bouncer remotely - you either need to have shell access or it has to be restarted automatically (e.g., through a cronjob, see below) to get it up again - so use this command with care! 4) SITE RESTART or BNC RESTART Restarts multibnc. This is the same as killing and restarting multibnc manually, e.g. after you've modified the configuration file. But it might just be easier than doing the dirty work on your shell. 5) SITE SHUTDOWN or BNC SHUTDOWN Take the FTP bouncer for a site down. Example: SITE SHUTDOWN ONE Would terminate the FTP bouncer for site "ONE". Siteops can only apply this command to their own site; BNCops can shutdown any of the bouncers. To take the site up again, one has to use SITE ENABLE . Example: SITE ENABLE ONE 6) SITE KICK or BNC KICK This command is similar to SITE KICK found on many ftp servers to kill a user's connection. Example: SITE KICK ONE lamer123 This command is only available to BNCops - siteops should use SITE KICK on their site, not on the bouncer ;-) 7) SITE SPY or BNC SPY This command is only available to BNCops. It allows you to tap the connection between and . Example: SITE SPY ONE lamer123 Afterwards, you will see all the commands lamer123 sends to ONE, and all of ONE's replies. Ain't that mean? :D Anyway, that's nothing special, as you could get the same result by running a sniffer on your bouncer box. Use it if you feel real bored or want to be cheered up by the lameness of your users. 8) SITE CHANGE or BNC CHANGE Changes the bouncer configuration for a site. Siteops can only apply this command to their own site's bouncer, BNCops to all. For example, to change site ONE's bouncer to run on port 10000 of your bouncer shell, and to connect to the real site on, port 23456, you would use: SITE CHANGE ONE 10000 9) SITE ADDBNC or BNC ADDBNC This command is available to BNCops only. You can add a new FTP bouncer with it. For example, to add a bouncer for a site called THREE, which should be running on port 5000 or your bouncer shell and connect to, port 30000 (which are THREE's real ip and port), you would use: SITE ADDBNC three 5000 10) SITE ADDBNCOP or BNC ADDBNCOP Adds a new BNCop account. Due to the privileges BNCops have you should give out as few of these accounts as possible. This command is only available to BNCops. 11) SITE ADDSITEOP or BNC ADDSITEOP Adds a new siteop for . Example: SITE ADDSITEOP THREE philip l33tp4ssw0rd This command is only available to BNCops. 12) SITE ADDIRC This command is only available to BNCops. It adds a new IRC bouncer for which runs on port and accepts connections from only, which it then forwards to . Example: SITE ADDIRC THREE 56665 13) SITE DELBNCOP SITE DELSITEOP SITE DELIRC These commands are available to BNCops only. You can use the prefix BNC instead of SITE with all of them. They delete a BNCop, siteop or irc bouncers, respectively. 14) SITE ADMINPORT DOWN or BNC ADMINPORT DOWN SITE ADMINPORT or BNC ADMINPORT You can take the adminport down by issuing the "SITE ADMINPORT DOWN" command. Please be aware that the only way to get the adminport back is to edit the configuration file on the shell and restarting multibnc manually. You will be disconnected immediately after issuing this command. Alternatively, you can move the adminport to a different port. For example, to make 17263 the new adminport, you'd do a SITE ADMINPORT 17263 You will also be disconnected immediately, but this time you can re-connect on port 17263 - of course unless there was a problem, e.g. if that port was already in use by a FTP or IRC bouncer. Bad luck, buddy :) 15) QUIT Disconnects you from the adminport. 16) SITE LIST BNCop-only command. Lists all services currently provided by this multibnc, i.e. all ftpbncs, ircbncs and adminport users. CRONTABBING YOUR MULTI-BNC ========================== I assume that the shell you want to run multibnc on has the crontab service running. Most Linux boxes do so by default. Step 1: ------- Edit the file , you'll probably have to adjust the path to where you installed MULTI-BNC only. Step 2: ------- Put the following line into your crontab: */15 * * * * /path/to/and/filename/of/ > /dev/null 2>&1 If you have no cronjobs yet, you simply might put the above line into a text file and then run this command: crontab name_of_this_textfile This will make run every 15 minutes - in turn checks whether multibnc is still running and restarts it if necessary - for example after a system reboot. CONTACT ======= To contact the multibnc authors, feel free to send an email to We're open for feature requests, bug reports, suggestions, questions and also for providing your site with other scripting solutions.